Three projects of Lviv Polytechnic researchers are among the winners of the competition of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine

Львівські політехніки

Three projects of Lviv Polytechnic researchers won the competition «Science for Security and Sustainable Development of Ukraine» of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine.

In total, there were selected 57 out of 268 project applications, 29 of which were from research institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and 17 from Higher Education Institutions of Ukraine.

At the expense of the grant support, the tender commission of NRFU recommended for implementation:

  • project «Methods and tools for studying aging markers and their impact on post-COVID conditions to prolong the working period» by Nataliia Shakhovska, Head of the Department of Artificial Intelligence Systems, the Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies,
  • project «Assessment of the impact of Covid-19 on the human resources of Ukraine and finding the ways to overcome them» by Nazarii Podolchak, Head of the Department of Administrative and Financial Management, the Institute of Administration and Postgraduate Education,
  • project «Optically and acoustically controlled devices for controlling terahertz radiation based on crystalline and nanocomposite materials» by Anatolii Andrushchak, Head of the Department of Applied Physics and Nanomaterials Science, the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Fundamental Sciences.

Let us remind you that the purpose of the competition of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine is to finance the best research projects aimed at solving current problems of human and social security in Ukraine.

The main criteria for evaluating project applications: the quality of the planned study; its significance for the development of science / technology / society in accordance with the direction; the quality and realism of the proposed implementation plan; scientific achievements of the authors.