Schoolchildren from the Lviv region took part in the initiative «Vaccination against Indifference», organized by Polytechnicians

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Schoolchildren from Lviv region became participants in an important initiative for Ukraine – «Vaccination against Indifference», which was carried out in December 2023 by the public organization «World of Important Initiatives», created with the active participation of Lviv Polytechnicians. In particular, the head of the organization is Volodymyr Chubai, Professor at the Department of Accounting and Analysis, the Institute of Economics and Management.

Schoolchildren who sent letters with a reasoned choice of the three best, in their opinion, social videos from the list, became participants in the raffle of seven books by Volodymyr Pylypiuk «Lviv – the Pearl of the Centuries» from the Ukrainian publishing house «Svitlo i Tin» (Light and Shadow). Schoolchildren received their books at the award ceremony in the modern hall of Tech StartUp School, Lviv Polytechnic National University. In addition, the children received various books from the Svichado publishing house.

The organizer of the initiative «Vaccination against Indifference», the public organization «World of Important Initiatives», offers students of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums of Lviv region to use free modern and interesting video lessons on its website, in particular, a video course on financial literacy for teenagers, which was created by a teacher practitioner Oleh Serheiev, Lviv Polytechnic National University. These classes aim to show young people that learning can be fun and there are many reasons to do well at school and in the future at college or university.

For more details, visit the website of Lviv Regional State Administration.