University News

27 Jan 2020

учасники семінару
15:51 – International seminar was held at IGD
International seminar on Rethinking Science Education for the Anthropocene was held at IGD

Якоб Дальгоф завітав до Tech StartUp School
13:09 – Tech StartUp School, Lviv Polytechnic
A meeting with a representative of Denmark took place at Tech StartUp School of Lviv Polytechnic

24 Jan 2020

діаграма зростання
17:13 – According to MES website
Lviv Polytechnic is among Ukrainian universities with the increased state funding in 2020

14:11 – Center for Chinese-Ukrainian Cooperation
The Center for Chinese-Ukrainian Cooperation welcomes everyone for the New Year on the Eastern calendar

 Назар Подольчак, Олексій Другов, Войцех Пшибильський Кшиштоф Кшиштов’як
13:03 – Tech StartUp School, Lviv Polytechnic
University StartUp School initiates cooperation with Krakow Technology Park

23 Jan 2020

учасники зустрічі
17:35 – Iryna Martyn, Lviv Polytechnic Center for Communication
Representatives of Libyan company Ras Lanuf Oil & Gaz Processing Co. Inc paid a visit to Lviv Polytechnic

16:46 – Anastasiia Stepaniak, Lviv Polytechnic Center for Communication
Forty international Master’s students graduated from Lviv Polytechnic National University

фасад головного корпусу Політехніки
14:50 – According to the portal
For the second year in a row Lviv Polytechnic becomes the leader of HEI with the biggest number of Enrollment Agreements